Neighborhood Resource Gardens
Cultivate Civic Well-being, Resilience, & Beauty
Identify and collaborate with established organizations by aligning their missions (education, environment, gardens, public health, safety, social welfare, water) to amplify the impact of existing initiatives and resources (projects, programs, locations).
Overlaying “shared use” of existing open spaces (schoolyards, parks, libraries, vacant lots, etc.) with resiliency hubs could quickly and efficiently activate NRGs NOW to be in every neighborhood throughout LA by the 2028 Olympics.
The impact zone of each site extends well beyond individual locations to serve entire neighborhoods.
Fostering community connections, individual empathy and empowerment, increases neighborhood bonds and safety.
Environmental education provides students of all ages critical information to improve their own health and well-being as well as the Earth’s, as well as advancing health and sustainability of environments and neighborhoods throughout Los Angeles.
Help grow one near you!
Implement 1-3 proof of concept locations and connect existing community resources to activate, program and maintain them.
Invite potential partners to Civicas Women’s Civic Action Network Spring Forum using NRGs as case study for CivicASK
Identify, connect, engage and register resources including:
• Funding (Gifts, Grants, Government, Crowdfunding),
• Volunteerism (government service corps, employee service programs, CBOs),
• Materials & Services (for-profit, pro bono),
• Businesses (urban gardens, education, recreation, emergency preparations),
• Residents (neighborhood groups, PTA, parents, teachers, students, disaster prep)• Philanthropy/Foundations (grants, programs, projects).
Engage more locations, individuals and community groups while connecting with larger entities in LA, and beyond (government, NGOs, residents, philanthropies, foundations, businesses) to connect resources that activate, program, maintain and network these sites.
Entities will participate and help grow the initiative by offering existing resources and also asking for those still needed to qualify their programs/projects/locations as Neighborhood Resource Gardens
Cynthia Hirschhorn founded Unycyn Civic Arts to synthesize her expertise in architecture and environmental design with her passions for LA, urban gardens, civic art, water, and connecting civic resources to foster community partnerships.
For more information please contact
WEDEW (Wood To Energy Deployable Emergency Water):
Additional Option for Selected Sites